"...So we live exclusively in relation to others, and what disappears from our lives is solitude. Technology is taking away our privacy and our concentration, but it is also taking away our ability to be alone. Though I shouldn't say taking away. We are doing this to ourselves; we are discarding these riches as fast as we can..."
(from "The End of Solitude" - William Deresiewicz)
For Solo Voice and Electronics
YouTube.Com / American site, born 2005
AMAZING! Lyrebird Imitating Man-made Sounds in Forest 2009
Video work, 11,979,412 views
“AMAZING! Lyrebird Imitating Man-made Sounds in Forest”, also titled “Attenborough: the amazing Lyre Bird sings like a chainsaw! Now in high quality | BBC Earth" is a clip showing a Lyrebird imitating the sounds of various man-made noises in the forest including camera shutters, car alarms, and chainsaws. The short video went viral on the internet and received millions of views in a very short time.
Created by Noa Frenkel,
Solitude in the age of Mass Media
Is a one woman sound-journey into solitude and the lack of it, longing, loneliness and our ever growing addiction to mass media
Pieces by:
Morton Feldman, Gustav Mahler, Peter Edwards, Lior Frenkel, Max Murray, Keren Rosenbaum
Design and Sound:
Ronald Boersen
Premiered in:
Hateiva, Tel Aviv, 2013
Further Performances:
Tel Aviv, Madrid
From the press
"Noa Frenkel está espléndida de principio a fin. El espectáculo es del máximo interés en varios frentes. Ahora, eso sí, se toma o se deja. Pero si se engancha es fascinante." El Pais, Madrid
("Noa Frenkel is superb from start to finish. The show is extremely interesting on several fronts. Now, yes, it is a case of take it or leave it. But if hooked, it is fascinating.") El Pais, Madrid